The parish at a Cardiff Church found that they had a guardian angel on their side this week in the form of a local electrical firm, following repairs to a broken organ whereby the tradesmen refused to accept any payment.
The church were at a complete loss when the motor failed on their organ and were going to have to foot a bill of nearly £2,000 to get it repaired. The St Albans Church, based in the area of Splott, had absolutely no means of covering the astronomical bill until Glamorgan Electrical Repairs stepped in.
The firm, based on Portmanmoor Road Lane, were approached by the Church safety officer, Mr William Jonker, who explained to them that they had only a limit of £1,000. Lou Owen, the co-owner of the electrical company, explained that they wouldnt accept any form of payment and stated that they were doing the repair as a thank you to the people of Splott, jokingly adding that he would send the invoice to God.
The congregation are thrilled with the unbelievable gesture, saving them from what otherwise could have taken months to fund. As a sign of gratitude to Mr Owens and his company, the parishioners are set to sign a giant thank you card and deliver it to them over this weekend.
Mr Jonker added We are indebted to them, we wouldnt have got it done in a month if not for them.